1. Get flour, butter, eggs, onions, chillies and green coriander from the grocer
2. Mix the flour with water and knead it till you make a soft dough
3. Roll the dough with a rolling pin, to make thin and flat pancakes
4. Meanwhile break the eggs in a bowl and mix them well
5. Add chopped onions, coriander and green chillies in this mix
6. Add red chilli powder and salt to taste
7. Bake the flat pancakes on the tava
8. Use butter liberally to make it a nice red/brown colour
9. Pour the egg mix on the pan and make omlette
10. Serve to someone who will appreciate your effort :)
p.s. The pic is of my first EVER paratha...and it was round...this pic was taken after it was tasted :)
great work at cooking :)
the steps are v right... but it doesn't start here. First step is to convince someone to try food that you are going to make for the first time.
the last point is very valid :)
- motu :)
Well thanks...got inspired by AB in "Cheeni Kum"
And now to he is also sporting a pony-tail like me :)
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