The 1 thing that my days at IIM have shown me, is how much capacity I have to stretch myself. You really don't know how far you can go until you try it. You will realise that you can go for hours even without sleep. Learn to live life in the moment and make the most out of every hour/minute and second, coz these days will never come back again... :K
Maro a night-out, do masti the whole of next day- party/shopping/bakar/
lunches/plays/dinners and then after some 6 odd hours of sleep, gear up for a tiring week ahead... feel the adrenalin rushing through your body, feel your heart pumping blood through your veins so that you can go that extra mile :)
I love the feeling that you get when you have packed your clock with so much work/activities that your bones feel tired and your eyes cannot open any more, and you feel like just plopping into a comforting bed...I like that feeling of being so dead tired that you fall into the deepest slumber possible...when you know that you have achieved the maximum possible out of the 24 hrs given to you, you will not feel guilty about falling asleep and resting awhile.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
I like your blog. I'd like to come back to it often. :)
thanx :)
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