Thursday, September 20, 2007

The 5 people you meet in Heaven

This is the title of the book I'm reading these days- The 5 people you meet in Heaven (by Mitch Albom). The book starts with the protagonist's death and his journey in heaven. And obviously, as the name suggests, there are 5 people he meets up there- people who have touched his life in a way that he never even knew in his life. The author gives a completely new version to life after death. He says that Heaven is the place you go to, to make sense out of your life on earth; where you get answers to questions about your, your Life has a meaning and everyone's lives are intertwined in a way that we can't even imagine. If you ever said, "Why me?", you'll get the answer to that in your after-life.

I was enthralled by this completely new concept of heaven and it made me think that if I were to die today, or say Now- who would I meet in Heaven? Well here's my list...since it's a bit personal, I am not going to use full names for a change-

G- I know for a fact that we have both affected each other's lives in a big way- so much that if we had not met each other, I would have been a different person today- maybe a more fun person, maybe more happy-go-lucky, definitely less philosophical. He and I are definitely, most definitely, meeting Up There to settle some scores

P- I think something went wrong somewhere and I am not sure who was at fault. I have no clue where he is, but if he reads this and figures out that this was written for him- maybe he'll gimme a call before it's too late

B- I am dead sure (pun intended) that I'll meet her up there. Have known her for some 18-19 yrs now and am certain she won't leave my peechha in my after life also

S- His name should have been at the very top I think. He darkened my childhood in a way - and even though I think I've forgiven him, I still need answers

p.s. I know I've mentioned only 4 people- that's coz I couldn't think of anyone else- I still have a long life ahead anyways, so I'm sure I'll find the fifth person...


RA said...

For those who did not get it- ur not gonna find any special people up there- dont expect your best friend/ your boyfriend to meet you there...
expect people who have left certain things unanswered or people with whom things went wrong or people who affected your life such that they change its course...

So please don't ping and ask who are these special people- they r not supposed to be special people

Rakesh said...

hmmm... interesting..
I was plng to read this book for a while but kept putting it off.. guess, I shld get a copy asap..
btw, do read 'Tuesdays with Morrie' by the same author (if u haven't already).. really good book..