Monday, February 11, 2008

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is around the corner again. This day always brings mixed feelings. Partly nice, partly sad, partly wierd, partly fun... I remember the times when all my friends would meet up and go to some place to celebrate this special day. There would be red heart balloons everywhere, there would be stalls with red roses everywhere, people would generally be in a very nice mood. There would be other gangs of friends, just out to have a nice time, and even though none of us had been in love, or were seeing anyone, this day just made you feel nice :)
All the people who question this Day, or suggest that it's a form of westernisation of our culture- are simply to be treated like a case of sour grapes :)
Seriously..! Coz, I'm sure that giving love or receiving love can never be anything but a means of happiness. What can be more lovely than the feeling that there is someone special who loves you or cares about you. Any day dedicated to this day is an awesome idea- so what if it's hyped by media or made into a commercial thing? Everyone wants to be loved... Everyone wants to be treated special... Everyone likes receiving flowers/gifts... :)
So here's to this day of Love, may everyone find true love in their lifetime, may this day bring only happiness and joy to all :)

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