Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
What's in a name?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Status Update
p.s. Good to see myself smiling like this again :D :D
Monday, June 29, 2009
Are you feeling gay?
The question then is that if a person is born like this, then isn't it Nature's doing? And so, how can you be against the order of nature? What is funnier is that in a democracy, a person basically does not have the right to choose his life partner. When I hear politicians, clerics, maulvis, priests and pundits say that this is a sin or that it is against their scriptures- I wanna give them 1 tight slap (MTV style!)
a) Because we all know that these people just want power and have never been modern thinkers. They will hardly support any idea of change.
b) Stop the crap about how this is against Indian culture and how we Indians are so culturally rich etc etc... The country is bursting from its seams because of its uncontrollable population- which means that somebody is getting laid. So just cut the pretence of being seedha-saadha...
c) We keep hearing stories about young boys and girls being abused by priests and pundits. Now that's unnatural!
Every time a discussion has been started about this law, the ministers from the concerned ministries have themselves been orthodox thinkers and have not been able to even come to a consensus regarding at least modifying Article 377. (But this time around I'm hoping we'll see something concrete happen).
I know it will take a long time for the LGBT community to become a part of the mainstream community in a country like ours. But it's definitely heartening to see that there seems to be a positive change and acceptance and more and more people have the courage to come out of the closet.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Stop Child Abuse

I dont have answers for her. I have learnt how to handle queries, how to give comfort, how to be sympathetic.... but I don't have answers to questions like these. There are just so many threads to each situation like this. There are so many people/family members involved....I'd like to think that I explained the importance and urgency of the situation very well to her... and also convinced her to talk to her husband. But everytime I come across cases like these, I get more and more frustrated... I don't get the feeling that I'm doing any good in the world (or not enough at least). I'd like to see Elaan have a full-fledged intervention cell, where we can actually protect victims like these... but I know that's not happening any time soon... and that's what scares me... there are so many children out there and no one to listen to them, support them or stand for them...
p.s. Photograph by Paromita Deb Areng
Monday, June 8, 2009
Lessons learnt from Life
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Taliban is back...
Monday, April 13, 2009
And the roller coaster continues...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I'm flying my helicopter to SA
Monday, March 30, 2009
Combating Child Sexual Abuse
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
On the pure relationship of a father and daughter...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Live life queen size!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Morning cuppa
But truly- for peace, quiet and serenity- there's nothing better than getting up at 5 in the can hear the birds chirping (and I mean it- they actually chirp- the sparrows i mean, not the crows)... and the pigeons go about with that weird sound in their throat.. like they were gargling.. there was this really cute white pigeon on the terrace today. Our gardener has put a row of small yellow flowers and then a row of orange flowers (which have brown centres) and there were bees on them (of which I am generally scared)... the best part is that there is NO one around... I like that... I like being alone at times... though there is a big eagle (or maybe it's a hawk- i don't know the difference) hovering overhead.. which is a li'l scary... but you just can't help that tug on your lips which comes from the quiet of the surrounding- and you break into a smile when there is that sudden breeze which gives you goosebumps :)
Good Morning to the world :)
p.s. I'm contemplating getting another tattoo- ideas are welcome :D
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Hori khele raghuveera awadh mei... hori khele...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Random random random stuff
For those who think that Harry Potter is just for kids- I used to think the same at one point of time (it was also partly due to my loyalties towards Enid Blyton). But, when you actually read it, believe me you'll realise the fun of reading a children's book again. It's a magical world and I don't mind believing in witches and wizards and goblins and elves for a short span of time- until you break out of that mood and come back to earth :)
The papers had a story of a young girl from Kolkata who went to a guy friend's place for a party where the guy's friends gangraped her! Along with the instant reaction of anger and shock, came the realisation that I could have easily been in that girl's place! For the first time in my life I find myself questioning my sense of judgement about my friends. How many nights have been spent giggling, joking and partying with friends on campus... how many outings have been made with the guys- to far-off places in Kerala... how many times have I been to friends' places in Mumbai...?? This girl did the same thing- she went to a 'friend's' place... what is sad is that one incident makes everyone stand back and re-look and question their own circle of trust. The next time a friend asks me over or some friends plan an outing- I'm gonna think twice about it. I'm sorry that it's like this :(
Thursday, February 26, 2009
One of my longest posts! (Book review)
Dear Mr. Adiga,
Next time you attempt to write a novel (which i fervently wish you don't!) please keep in mind, the sanity of the readers. As is obvious from your book, The White Tiger- you have no great writing skills, you don't know how to play with words at all and have completely no story to tell! I don't know whether to label you as a communist (why else would you support "killing your boss to make it big in life" simply because one has had a difficult childhood, in poverty?)... or maybe you are one of those people who think that just by being sarcastic and talking about India's drawbacks you can conjure up a good novel- well, you're wrong!
No part of your description of the protagonist's difficult village life, was even remotely moving. If you want to be so bloody sarcastic about this country- well then first go and do something for all these poor villagers that you seem to care about! You've lived a major part of your adult life outside India, in comparatively developed places like Australia and the US and then you have the gall to actually come back and be so damn critical of this country!
I would suggest that you read another well known book called Shantaram, where a foreigner gives his perspective about India, it's villages and life in Mumbai...Believe me you will learn a lot!! I do not have a problem with the fact that you've spoken mainly of India's backwardness in the villages (in the first half of the novel), but rather with the condescending attitude that you have used.
In the end, it is my personal request that you please explain to me why the character is writing a letter to the Premier of China, telling his life story to him??? I'd really really like to know what made you think that this guy should write a loooonnng letter (the entire novel!) to the Chinese head, giving him his life story?? Yes, you wanted to write it in first hand- I got that! But writing a letter to the Chinese Premier??? What, why? why? You are a crazy person. QED.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Emosanal Atyachar
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Nithari Serial Killing
Pitter Patter of Little feet :)
Well, anyways here's wishing the couple a very happy future...and may his kids make him tear his hair out like he used to do to us :D
Justice will prevail...
For 2 whole years, the CBI kept saying that Pandher was not guilty, but today the special judge pronounced both master and servant guilty. I just hope that both these guys are given the death sentence! I know that a lot of people are against capital punishment- but given the kind of crime they have been charged for (I mean they actually hacked the bodies and did stuff which I don't think I wanna write about here... ) I am totally in favour of giving them the death sentence...! I know the dead children will not come back- nor will the pain of their parents get reduced in any manner... but the only good that will come out of it would be that there will be Justice and the families will finally get closure.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Gucci, Prada and the whole jingbang...!
I have never really been "fashionable" by general standards and frankly, I don't give a damn. :D Hmmm... now the point of this post is that I believe that if I can carry the right attitude and have enough confidence and pride- then I can go anywhere and not feel like all eyes are focused on me. I once went to a TOI party in Mumbai- one of those page 3 types... with ladies in slinky dresses and gentlemen in proper formal attire... and you know what I was wearing? I went in jeans and a tee-shirt with a broad blue headband on my head... I remember being in sneakers and wearing one of those Lance Armstrong bands around my wrist...! :P
No, this is not my way of rebelling to society's norms or of making any kind of statement... But, I reiterate- I cannot be bothered about wearing kajal or gooey lipstick every time I step out of the house... I don't care how many men turn and give me a second glance or how many women feel threatened by my presence :D Frankly, I feel that mainly bimbos need to go out of their way to doll up- coz we geeks are happy with our curly hair and freckled faces :D
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Advertisement! ;)
So all I'm gonna do is put it up on my blog (this request) and if people read it and feel that they can hand over some books to me (maybe for a small price if they want) ... or get their friends to give away some- well then I'd be obliged. Other than that- I don't think I'll be able to actually go up to someone and ask for help :(
Monday, February 9, 2009
My worst score in Bowling ever- less than 30! :(
Life has its best and worst moments... and all can happen within an hour!! So if you're happy- don't be too happy and complacent coz you don't know what's aroun' the corner... and if you're sad and depressed, don't be too worried, coz things will get better soon :D
p.s. Note how philosophical I have become these days! :D
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Pissed off..!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
You Know You're a Bookaholic When...
-You pack all your books for a trip but forget your underwear.
-You're packing for a romantic weekend away with significant other and you give more thought to which books to take than to which nightgown is your sexiest.
-You become murderous when you discover a friend lost a book you loaned her.
-Your twin sons' names are Rhett and Ashley. (I'd never name my kid after Ashley!)
-You call in sick so you can finish reading a book.
-It's 2am and you think "just another chapter" and do the same thing at 3am when you know you have to get up in 4 hours and work.
All those who read this and felt they could relate to it... and can feel a small smile coming up as you admit to being a bookaholic- ping me! I have a venture in mind and I'd like tips from people who are as big geeks as me :D
Monday, February 2, 2009
Random musings
Friday, January 30, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Class of '99