Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I have spoken about his earlier also and now once again I am wondering about the secret behind life and death. I have started believing that there is some algorithm behind this entire cycle. There is some Power, trying to maintain a balance on the planet. Which is why, sometime last year, I was only hearing of new births... in my extended family alone there have been 3 births and I have heard of some 4-5 other people  who've had babies last year. In the beginning of last year there were 3 deaths in my family and I heard of some 3-4 other deaths. 

Now again in the last 2 weeks I have already heard of 3 deaths... some of them really freaky- like a sudden haemorrage or a road-crossing accident..! And again I think that some supreme being is trying to create a balance of some kind by equalling the total number of births and deaths.


Anonymous said...

Well I didn't know that Family Planning guys are 'Supreme Beings' :P

RA said...
