Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I got a mail asking me a very simple question- "why women get more tax exemption than men"? Well frankly speaking, I never even gave it a second thought all these years... I just took it for granted that we get more benefits in taxes than men! I am yet to come up with a conclusive argument over the rights/wrongs of this.
Normally I would have said that if we women cry ourselves hoarse about gender equality, we should have the balls to stand up and say that we don't need any extra benefits. If we want equal treatment, we should not ask for 33% reservations or separate ladies' compartments or special tax benefits...! In schools would you say that the passing percentage for girls should be 35% while for boys 40%..!!!??
But yes, today I am definitely not complaining about a higher tax exemption limit... I know it's a two-faced hypocritical thing to say, but I have my reasons for saying this... Let's forget about women who've reached that stage where they can actually stand up on their feet.. those who've done their graduation/ post graduation and are earning hefty packages... the ratio of such females is still small in this country... in fact it's minuscule...
India is still a place where men and women have distinct roles in society and women have to face a lot of challenges to make it on their own... I think this is something that might give them a small push...
Anyone has any comments- I'd love to hear other opinions....


Anonymous said...

Why don't u conduct an informal office poll of this?? I got some pretty interesting and some biased, witty and funny remarks!!

N well, historically, men have had to earn the bread and the butter of the family. Women, who did work, had a shorter working period.. I mean, the family pressure catches up with most women, sooner or later.. So, a disparity in the taxation to provide some incentive for women to save..

This disparity has helped India achive a savings rate of 38.4% -- Now where have u heard of that?? I am certainly not saying that the TAX DISPARITY was the sole reason for it.. But along with the conservative Indian mindset, it helped push up the savings rate..

Now in a bid to spark consumption, the government has raised the tax exemption limits as well as revised the tax slabs!! Could well turn out to be another major topic of dissertion!!

N oops, this was supposed to be a comment!! Seems like I've written an entire post in here!! Sorry for clogging ur space!!

By the way, I want to see a women become the FM; hope she favors us poor men!! We need some reservations and quotas nw!!

RA said...
