Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gucci, Prada and the whole jingbang...!

I have a problem. I don't understand fashion. There I admit it..!

I have never really been "fashionable" by general standards and frankly, I don't give a damn. :D Hmmm... now the point of this post is that I believe that if I can carry the right attitude and have enough confidence and pride- then I can go anywhere and not feel like all eyes are focused on me. I once went to a TOI party in Mumbai- one of those page 3 types... with ladies in slinky dresses and gentlemen in proper formal attire... and you know what I was wearing? I went in jeans and a tee-shirt with a broad blue headband on my head... I remember being in sneakers and wearing one of those Lance Armstrong bands around my wrist...! :P

No, this is not my way of rebelling to society's norms or of making any kind of statement... But, I reiterate- I cannot be bothered about wearing kajal or gooey lipstick every time I step out of the house... I don't care how many men turn and give me a second glance or how many women feel threatened by my presence :D Frankly, I feel that mainly bimbos need to go out of their way to doll up- coz we geeks are happy with our curly hair and freckled faces :D

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