Friday, February 13, 2009

Nithari Serial Killing

I am so so so damn happy I cannot explain... Pandher and Koli have been handed the Death Sentence in the Nithari Case...I seriously doubted that our judicial system could deliver such judgement- but it has... god it has!! :D

Moninder and Koli have been charged with rape, murder, abduction- but the one thing that I still see missing in this list is the cause of child sexual abuse. All the victimes were between the age of 5 - 16 and were lured into the house and abused sexually... so what I would like to bring to my readers' notice is that how come there is still No Law against Child Sexual Abuse? We are living in 2009! I mean c'mon- at least recognise the fact that there is a need for a law for cases like these? 

I pray for the victims and their families and hope that they find it in them to forgive and move on with their lives...coz closure is the best thing they could hope for... 

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