Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I know I've neglected this space for quite some time now.... what is funny is that I've realised that I write well when I am sad/depressed or down in the dumps. The words automatically start flowing and I just take out my frustration. It's rare that I write about how fine things are going or about the nice stuff in life...but the positive side of it is that I've learnt that it's ok to show that your not happy. Someone once told me that I'm too happy! Meaning that even if I'm annoyed/ sad/ mad/ frustrated, I very rarely show it. I have always been described as being a happy, cheerful, bubbly person; the kind who always bounces back.. the kind who has a very rosy life.

Well aisa nahi hai...at least the people who've read my blog in the last 6 months would vouch for it..! But ya, I have my mood swings and I go into extreme modes of joy and sorrow...which could be harmful for my mental stamina...baaki sab mast hai...

Last night was bad though...things haven't changed one bit...people are still the same, with the same problems, confusions, issues...! I wonder why I assumed that things would be different this time around...sigh... I'm thankful for my friend who stuck by me and gave me LOADS of gyan so that I calmed down...and have never behaved so maturely in my entire life...so that felt nice...
so thanks dude...i owe you one... :)

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