Thursday, October 23, 2008

When you're sad or feeling the blues- you need people around you to get you going... but who do you call during your stressful times? My experience has taught me that the people you call at 2 am in the middle of tears, are your actual friends... these are the people you trust the most and the ones in front of whom you don't keep any pretences... 
you might not necessarily call these people every week... you might not even hang out with them as much as you do with your regular gang of friends... but in the time of need- when you browse through your phone book and keep rejecting people and finally reach a name which makes you feel, "Ah, this person I can call..." well, thats the kind of people to keep around you... those are the kind of people who won't judge you... they'll just be your friend... 

p.s. I'm glad I have a couple of names at least and people who I can count on- when my tears don't stop :)

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