Monday, December 10, 2007

You can either live life up to your expectations or up to other people's. Your entire life you have been the perfect kid, the good boy, miss-goody-two-shoes. All your life, you've heard people praise you- heard people say that you can never go wrong. You have spent your childhood and young adulthood, living upto these peoples' hopes for you. You've become a doctor, even though you wanted to study Arts, you've worked hard and perfected yourself and life seems rosy.

Then a time comes when you get the opportunity to decide things for yourself. Where you can start afresh and make changes because no one knows you. And you see that all the things that your parents/teachers/elders told you, were not necessarily true. Maybe it's all right if you get a B instead of an A+. Maybe it's OK if you bunk classes once in a while. Maybe it's not bad to have a beer or two. You're suddenly out in the world- away from the protection of you family, away from people who taught you what was right and wrong and made the decisions for you. But now, you need to decide things for yourself and your life. You have to set your own expectations and live up to them.

You may not live up to society's expectations any more. Your friends may feel that you've changed too much. Your parents may think that their upbringing went wrong somewhere. These issues will appear. You will get a lot of emotional blackmail. But don't worry. Just stick your ground. Even if you feel that you've made a mess out of your first attempt at leading Life your way- don't worry. Just remember-
a)At least this mess is your mess. At least you're not stuck with a mess created by someone else making decisions for you
b)You're still finding your way around- you'll learn!
c) The only person you are answerable to- is Yourself and your top most priority is your happiness.

1 comment:

Y Blog? said...

So apt that i wld like to put it on my blog :P keep it up!!