Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Boy who cried wolf & A Roller-Coaster

I started writing this blog about some negative things again this morning. About how in today's world the "Boy who cried Wolf" could be the people you think you are close to. Who tell you (lie?) that they care about you and will be there for you in times of need. But when the Wolf actually comes (meaning when troubles arrive) these people won't be there. I know this allegory doesn't really match with the real story but that doesn't really matter either.

Have you ever sat on a roller coaster? It gives you this funny feeling in your tummy when you go from the top to the bottom. Somehow I feel that Life is like that only. It takes only a few seconds to bring you from the high highs to the low lows. And as your life goes rocketing down you get this queasiness and uncertainty. But I guess we should also remember that we will again climb up from here and the feeling of adrenalin rushing into your blood will take you to newer highs. But its just that this continuous cycle of up and down leaves you pukish in the end and you just wanna get off the ride.

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