Thursday, September 6, 2007

Random thoughts #738

This blog has become an important part of my life. Every morning, as I get dressed for work or am traveling in the auto, these weird topics run in my mind. And believe me, they actually scamper around my head like little mice. I can feel them banging against each other and the inside walls of my head, each of them trying to come up on the top :)) And these topics can range from the mundane to the serious to the surreal. (Unless of course, I wake up in a grumpy mood, in which case I anyways know I can use this space for as much cribbing as I want :D)

Well, today somehow there was a blank and I couldn't think of a single topic that enthused me enough to write. So I thought I'll just start writing random thoughts (I couldn't let down my faithful readers na :))) hehehehhehe....

One interesting thought that did occur to me was a question that A asked me a few days back- "It's not important what age you want to retire at, what is important, is what salary you retire at". He says, (very coolly) he wants a crore at his retirement age. "Hmmm...", I say, trying to quickly come up with a figure to quote. We MBA's are supposed to talk big at all times, mind you, and always seem prepared for everything and we are also supposed to know answers to questions like, "Where do you see yourself 10 yrs down the line?" Interesting question...even though I don't know where I see myself this weekend, I definitely know some answer to the aforementioned question :DD This is all a part and parcel of this whole MBA bandwagon; and frankly I don't see anything wrong in it. I just have to worry about earning a crore till age 50 (?) so that I can match my peers :D

Ciao for now, I have some office politics and an asshole waiting for me :D

p.s. I simply LOOVVVE this...I can write anything I want to, without anybody questioning me..hehehhehe :)))


RA said...

At what salary do you want to retire?
Write it here :P

Varun Parwal said...

Hmmm.. let's c.. somewhere within the range of Rs. 15 cr - Rs. 25 cr p.a... U c, inflation n cost of living r simply zooming around!! he he heheeeeeeeee